Leica Rugby 620: Horizontal with Slope Matching Capabilities
Leica Rugby 620 Rotating Laser - Simple and Reliable – No Mistakes Possible Leica Rugby lasers are the toughest rotating lasers suitable for all construction applications. Level, align, and square much quicker than ever before, eliminating...
Leica Rugby 680: Horizontal with Semi-Automatic Direct Dial Dual Slope
Bring Simplicity to Construction Applications with Leica Rugby 680 and 670 Semi-Automatic Grade Lasers The Leica Rugby 680 and 670 semi-automatic grade lasers are designed for contractors who do mostly flat work but occasionally need to create single...
Leica CLH Kits: Pre-Configured w/ Upgrades to CLX-XXX - Includes CLC Remote/Receiver Combo
Easy-to-use Military Grade rotating lasers that can endure whatever you go up against. The new easy-to-use Rugby CL series is not only the toughest tool you can bring with you on a construction site, but also one of the smartest. With advanced...
Leica Rugby 640G: Multipurpose Horizontal/Vertical with Plumb Beam
Leica Rugby 640G Green Beam Rotating Laser When leveling and aligning in and around buildings, red beams can be difficult to see. The Leica Rugby 640G green beam rotating laser enables you to easily see wherever you are working. This universal,...
Leica Rugby 640: Multipurpose Horizontal/Vertical with Plumb Beam
Leica Rugby 640: Multipurpose Horizontal/Vertical with Plumb Beam Offering high versatility in general construction and interior applications, the Leica Rugby 640 universal laser allows contractors to perform all horizontal, vertical, and simple slope...
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